20 March, 2010

Who does she think she is?

Preferring to keep most of my thoughts private, a public blog didn't seem much of natural inclination, but it's what all the hippityhoppity kids are doing these days and hopefully will provide an outlet for my inspirations and adventures. This is neither strictly a gardening blog or a lolita blog, but it will certainly have elements of both and much more about my daily life. I had a huge multi-paragraph post typed up and ready to go, as introductions are customary, but I rather keep this clean and simple and spare you the tl;dr for now.

Content to look forward to:
-Redecorating my bedroom! (For the next three weeks or so, and beyond?)
-Alaskan cruise (Tentatively in the beginning of August)
-Spring planting! (Sadly it just snowed again today, but the crocuses shall prevail)
-My shopping addiction (Updates as I receive new purchases)

So feel free to stick around and hopefully I'll be making posts of interest soon.